VISCERAL OSTEOPATHYEvacuatory Dysfunction can be described as difficulty in emptying the rectum which may happen even with frequent visits to the toilet and/ or passing soft stool.

Evacuatory dysfunction can display an array of symptoms such as prolonged repeated straining during bowel movements, a sensation of incomplete evacuation amongst others.


How can Visceral Manipulation help?

The trunk and the pelvis is a structure made up of the bony structure, the muscles and a fascial outer shell over the muscles to protect and encase all the internal organs.  Each organ is wrapped in its own pleura and is encapsulated in a little bit of fluid so it can move around or over its neighbouring organs.  If the normal pressures in the system changes or the ability of the organs to slide and move around in their closed quarters is restricted, it affects the ability of the body to perform its functions properly.

Visceral manipulation is practised by a Physiotherapist In Gurgaon move and release fascial restrictions in the abdomen and pelvis to make room for the normal movement and function of the internal organs.

In a few sessions of Visceral manipulation performed by an experienced physical therapist, the patient starts to feel marked relief from the symptoms of Evacuatory Dysfunction.

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